Kevin Major, the athletic personality and basketball player, has a valuable word of advice for youngsters to overcome stress and obstacles in life. The athletic personality believes that preparation is the key to do anything successfully in life.
Kevin Major deals with stress and burnout very effectively in his daily routine. He says he never overthinks in life and this way he prevents himself from entering a state of panic. Kevin believes that it is his participation in basketball and gyming that helps him eliminate stress on a daily basis. And he inspires every youngster to enroll himself in sports activities.
Kevin Major has always maintained a strong attitude in his life which has helped him overcome obstacles in his life. Instead of running away from obstacles, he confronts them head-on to deal with them. While living in the South Bronx, Kevin Major has overcome many obstacles by simply preparing for them.
He asks people to believe in themselves and never doubt their ability in life. In addition to this, the basketball player asks everyone to be the best version of themselves. Kevin Major says that life only gives one opportunity in life and one must prepare himself to give a strong first impression to whatever he pursues in his life.
Kevin Major practices a lot to hone up his basketball skills and he prepares himself for every opportunity that comes on his path. Visit his social media profiles by clicking the links below to know more about him.
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